Monday, February 13, 2012

Felt Fortune Cookies (for Valentine's Day)

So my first grader and I made these fortune cookies for her class from some felt circles, some floral wire and ribbon.  Oh yeah, and THIS tutorial from Martha Stewart.  I love the ideas on her web site.

Her teacher asked the children to make gifts for everyone in the class for a "Friendship Party" they are having on Valentine's Day.  These are just big enough for a Hershey kiss or a Starburst in each one.

My daughter typed a Valentine's day message inside each one and the name of each child sticks out the side.
Aren't they cute? 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Easy and Cheap Laundry Soap

Want to know how to make super easy and cheap laundry soap?
All you need is:

1 Cup Borax
1 Cup Washing Soda
1 bar of soap (grated)

Borax and washing soda can be found in the laundry isle of the grocery store. 

Step 1:  Have your 7 year old grate the bar of soap. 

Step 2:  Measure the borax and washing soda and add to the soap flakes. 

Step 3:  Mix it all in a big bowl breaking up any clumps. 

That's all!  
I use about one Tablespoon for a regular load and a little more for large loads. 

You can also add several drops of essential oil for fragrance, but we used cinnamon oatmeal soap and it already smells great.

How easy is that!  Now go make some and quit spending too much on laundry detergent!  :)